Deep Netts Platform features
Deep Netts Java library enables simplified use and deployment of ML models in Java-native environments.
A user-friendly step-by-step wizard guides you throughout the entire process of building models. Even if you’re not a ML expert and you don’t fully understand all of the ML magic, you’ll quickly get the initial working version of a model for your project by answering wizard’s simple questions.

End-to-end model training and testing process enables you to quickly iterate through various training settings, identify and resolve issues of the models. This greatly accelerates the model building and enables building better models faster.

Enables you to modify model architecture by adding or re-configuring layers, using an intuitive drag-n-drop tool and properties editor. Builder also provides commonly used default settings customized specifically for your project and prevent you from using architectures and setting that doesn’t make sense.

Out-of-the-box support for the most commonly used machine learning models for image recognition, classification and numeric prediction. These models can be customized for wide range of machine tasks, and type of data. They represent base on which all advanced types of models can be built.

Gain insights into model inner workings, including architecture, parameters, and training process, to comprehend how they make predictions and evaluate their performance. Understanding how specific architecture and training settings influence a model predictions, and why model gives certain results is the key for improving and maintaining models.

Examine and interpret models through the use of visualizations which enable a deeper understanding of the model’s behavior and the underlying patterns in data. Weather there is an issue data, with model architecture or training procedure, various visual tools enable you to quickly run diagnostics and identify them.

Importing trained Tensorflow models and running them on Deep Netts them in Java native environments with minimum set of external dependencies greatly improves stability, portability, cost effectiveness and overall security.

Clean integration of trained machine learning models into your application using intuitive and readable API based on official Java technology standard (JSR381).